Monday, May 28, 2007

The Great MacLean Zai Jian

Saturday was the going away party and it was lovely. My friend Lynn made this cake - five layers of chocolatey goodness topped with a sugar-shaped takeout container full of coconut!

Four days and I leave Colorado. June will be choc full o'family and friends. I'm lovin' it, but damn, I'm exhausted.

Focus on now - freakin' gorgeous sunny day.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

my aspiration statement

After they have accepted you into the program, they ask for a current resume and an aspiration statement; what you hope to accomplish as a PCV. Here is my little ditty:

During my tenure as a Peace Corps volunteer in China, I plan on using my extensive knowledge of literacy and grammar in the classroom. I am a big believer in meta- cognition – the ability to reflect on the learning process and to understand why and how one learns. I will be expecting my students to reflect regularly on their own learning process. Additionally I believe that my enthusiasm and willingness to reflect on my own learning will be assets in the classroom.

I am a flexible individual who is always searching for a learning experience. I plan on using this eagerness with my host country. I feel that my teaching and my own learning experiences create many opportunities; I am eager to teach in whatever capacity that would be most beneficial.

My main strategy in terms of adapting to a new culture is research; I am currently reading books and articles on Chinese culture, communication styles, history and geography. Also, I have many connections with individuals who have either worked or traveled in China with whom I will confer. I love learning new languages. During the pre-service training, I plan on using that passion to my advantage as I learn such a challenging language. Past Peace Corps volunteer experiences are essential to neophytes such as me. I will be contacting them and creating communication outlets for current and future avenues of support and information.

Peace Corps is an excellent opportunity for me. I am eager to learn how to teach English as a foreign language. I believe that the best way to utilize my professional experience is to have me teach Creative Writing, as well as reading and language courses. Also, advising a drama club would be a great way to utilize my interest and history with the theatre.

Peace Corps has always been a dream for me. I am looking forward to making that dream come to fruition. I believe that I will always be an educator. I look forward to exploring different aspects of teaching. I love my current position as inner city high school English teacher, but I feel that this is a perfect time to expand my world view of education and explore other educational opportunities.