Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Also know as U.S. - China Friendship Volunteers

Since 1993 423 volunteers have been teaching oral English in the following provinces and municipalities - Sichuan, Guizhou, Chongqing and Gansu with Gansu being the youngest one.

Current # of volunteers in China: 94 (plus 64 from the China 13s)

How PC is different from other foreign teachers:
invited by the Chinese government
required to learn language and culture
expected to integrate into community
required to do a secondary project - whether that be running a drama club (hint hint), tutor group or other extra-curricular activities) work with counterpart to make sure implementations you make will sustain after your service is over

Teaching load 14 - 16 hours
Class size 35 - 40 (sometimes as large as 60 - 80)
Multi-level students
BRING IT ON!!!!! We find out where we're going on August 14th. Until then, we learn patience........